Convoy or "bridge train" to LA Maneuvers

"Borrowing melons"

Sight seeing on the way to the LA Maneuvers

Milt O'Barr and Carl Breloff - note 1st Army insignia on truck

Oil pump problems on the Macks

Hauling dozers

Convoy arrives at the Ouachita River site

Setting up camp near Lake Village, Arkansas 8/28/41

Kitchen truck hid in camoflauge

Milt O'Barr at his pup tent

Joseph E. Burger with all the comforts of home

Wool and leggings

Hot joe

Milt O'Barr on latrine duty

Barber shop

Trucks hid in pecan grove from flour bombs during war games

Cooling off in Lake Chicot

Camp life

Bridging the Ouachita River a 550' span

The Ouachita Bridge was the first for the 85th

The Ouachita bridge

Deep in the La swamp

Bridging the Red River at Campti, La, a span of 1031'

Red River construction continues

The Red almost bridged

The Red River bridge was the longest by the Army since the Civil War

A hurricane hampered the work

To the Louisiana Maneuvers: bridging the Ouachita and Red Rivers
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Engineers are identified where possible

Latest comments

23.10 | 01:21

Glad you enjoy the site. Your grandfather was a worthy commander.

15.10 | 21:32

LTC Perdue was my grandfather. I love reading about where he served and what he did during WWII. Thank you for your work on gathering all of this information.

22.09 | 01:45

I do know there are remnants of where the 85th crossed the Rhine at Worms, Germany.

22.09 | 01:43

Sounds like you have an interesting trip planned. I hope to trace the 85th’s path some day. I do not know if there are any remnants of where the 85th crossed